In the Spotlight - Daniel Wood
Kandice Korte
Morgante Wilson Architects
Aug 19, 2020 - 5 min read

At MWA, we love working with interns – especially interns who tun out to be so fantastic we end up hiring them full time! Such was the case with intern-turned-architectural-project-manager Daniel Wood. Read on to learn more about Daniel – from his thoughts on building materials, to his love of Legos.
Okay, you just know we’ve got to begin with Legos!
Oh, I know. Growing up I spent every waking second playing with Legos, so it’s probably not surprising I went into the architecture field. I played with them long into high school. It wasn’t the cool thing to do, but I really loved them.
And now?
Now I’m more into spending time with friends and family. And if the weather’s nice, I try to spend as much time outside as I can. I enjoy camping, golfing, bike riding, and tennis, which I’ve recently begun picking up. I also really enjoy listening to music, playing board games, and reading.
Let’s back up and talk about school.
I started interning at MWA when I was a sophomore at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, where I got my bachelor’s degree in Architecture Studies. I’ve been here ever since I graduated, and I’ve learned a ton about residential architecture. One of the most important things I’ve learned is how to really celebrate a space inside a home and make it special to the homeowner. That’s something they just don’t teach in school, and it’s one of the things I love about working at MWA.
What else do you enjoy about your job?
I love the “no project is too small” attitude we take here at MWA. Because of that, we get to work on a wide variety of projects and connect with even more people.
Complete this sentence: Every house needs…….
Natural light, and a good view of nature. Bringing those two things into a home are as important as making sure it’s well designed. The best architects, of course, will know how to achieve both.
What’s one thing we would never find in your house?
Shiplap! But don’t get me wrong; if it’s done right, it can be a very pretty application. Personally, however, I feel it’s a bit overused. There are so many different materials and finishes out there to play with, why go with something so ubiquitous? For myself, I’d rather be unique.
Speaking of your house, what’s on your coffee table?
The book I’m reading right now, my TV remote, and, if I’m being honest, some random clutter! But when the weekend comes, I try and clear it off in case I have friends coming over.
What’s the last thing you bought for your house, and why did you purchase it?
An art frame! When I was in Italy last year, I purchased a piece of art that’s basically a floor plan and exterior elevation of La Rotunda, a villa near Vicenza that was designed by Andrea Palladio. I bought it because I felt it was time to slowly begin my art collection. Even though framing can be expensive, I decided to bite the bullet on this one and go for it! And I’m happy I did.
If you weren’t in the architecture field, what might you be doing instead?
That’s a difficult question, only because if were not in architecture, I would definitely be in another design field. I love graphic design, art, and photography. But I did take a course or two in astronomy when I was in college and found it very interesting. The idea of space discovery and exploration fascinates me, so maybe I would be a meteorologist in another lifetime!