Our Recent Clients - In the Spotlight!
Morgante Wilson Architects
Jan 7, 2021 - 5 min read

We asked one of our clients...
What is your favorite part of the process? Why? (EX: Preliminary Design, Selecting Materials, Construction…)"
Our favorite part of the process is the preliminary design because we brought our wish list to the table and engage the MWA team on ideas. We were impressed that the MWA team never said "Well that will be hard to do" but rather "Yes, we could do X or Y or give us till the next meeting to work out some ideas on how to achieve it." Sometimes, we would come to a meeting with one expectations, but MWA would take the design in a different more creative direction, but focused on the overall intent. The engagement during the process was helpful to us as well because it allowed our thinking and ideas to evolve along the course.
What is your favorite part of construction?
The favorite part was always what was next. When the foundation came in, our favorite part was framing, then when framing was done, the favorite part was windows, and so on. We were always looking forward to the next stage.

What is your favorite space/design detail of the house?
Our favorite part of the house is the "treehouse" that is a small room with windows on 3 sides, but it on the top of the house with an "attic" space under the room, so it is on the top of the house.

What material/item did you enjoy the most in selecting/designing? Why did you select that piece?
To access the treehouse, there is a circular stair with a glass elevator that rises up in the center of the stairs. It is a great place to watch a movie. The elevator cab has a wood inlay of the nearby golf course's 18th green and the base of the elevator cylinder has a tile layout of the golf course with the airways and even the half-way house depicted.