In the Spotlight - Renata Buenrostro
Kandice Korte
Morgante Wilson Architects
Aug 19, 2016 - 5 min read

In the Spotlight - Renata Buenrostro
This month, the Morgante Wilson Spotlight shines on Renata Buenrostro, a sixteen-year veteran of our team. Recently promoted to Director of Architectural Interiors, Renata speaks four languages fluently. And she’s got an affinity for little fabric scraps. Read on to find out why!
Let’s start with languages. Which ones do you speak?
English, Spanish, French (my mother’s side is from France), and Italian (but my Italian could improve a lot…).
Spanish is no surprise, given your Mexican heritage.
Yes, I was born and raised in Mexico, where I graduated from the Ibreo-American University in Mexico City. I’m a licensed architect in Mexico and an international AIA member. I received my master’s degree in History of Architecture at UIC, and studied Art History at the Sorbonne University in Paris.
In spite of your international background, you go by quite a folksy nickname.
True! Everyone calls me RB. People say I move fast – maybe they shorten my name to be sure they get my attention as I fly by.
What are your three favorite things about working at MWA?
The people, the people, and the people.
We hear that a lot, actually. Which are your favorite clients?
The ones who are open to our input, who enjoy the design and selection process, and who want to have fun with it.
Which are your favorite projects?
My favorite project is always the latest project. There are so many new techniques and materials to apply and implement in a new job. I love new challenges and learning new things, and get really excited by every new project that comes in.
Between Mexico, France, and the United States, you’ve lived in more countries than many of us. In your experience, what makes a house a home?
No matter where you live, if you enjoy life in a house it becomes a home.
Tell us what your dream home would look like.
It would be woodsy, light, airy, organized, clean, and warm. And it would have several spaces with different types of character.
We’ve heard your passions are family, friends, and travel. Any others?
I love to sew. It’s amazing what you can design with a little bit of fabric!