In the Spotlight - Siobhan Barrett
Kandice Korte
Morgante Wilson Architects
Apr 10, 2020 - 5 min read

Meet Siobhan Barrett, an associate at Morgante Wilson, and a veteran on our team. Friendly, enthusiastic, and dependable, Siobhan shares thoughts on MWA, houses, and her ties to Ireland.
Let’s start with MWA. What do you love about working there?
The community! It’s all about the relationships you form with your co-workers, clients and contractors. Plus, most of my knowledge of architectural practice has been learned here, since I started with the firm so shortly out of school.
Speaking of school, where did you go and what did you study?
I went to the University of Illinois at Chicago for both my bachelor’s in architectural science and master’s in architecture.
If you hadn’t studied architecture and landed at MWA, what do you think you might be doing now instead?
Good question. I’d like to think I’d remain in a creative field. Perhaps my love for the Great British Baking Show would encourage me to be a baker.
You must enjoy being in the kitchen. What are some of your other pastimes?
I enjoy reading, going to the theatre, and trying new restaurants.
Complete this sentence: Every house needs…..
Outdoor space! Living in the Midwest we only have a few months to enjoy the outdoors, so a lot of the time it’s not a priority over spaces that get more use year-round. However, you can never go wrong with a great patio for entertaining, or to enjoy a book.
Are you a porch-lover, too?
I am! Large porches are one of the things I like so much about Craftsman-style homes.
What else do you admire about them?
I’d have to say the combinations of stone or brick and siding, their big fireplaces, and how they’re all slightly unique.
Let’s talk about your own house. What’s the most meaningful thing in it?
A framed wedding photo. When I got married, and my grandmother, who was unable to come to the wedding, sent us the frame as a gift.
What’s on your coffee table right now?
That would be a book on Tadao Ando, a candle, and some unopened mail.
What’s the most recent thing you purchased for your house?
New curtains. We really needed them.
Last question: what would your co-workers be surprised to learn about you?
Hmmmm. Probably that I’m a dual citizen. My parents were both born in Ireland, which qualified me for dual citizenship even though I was born in Chicago. Ireland gives you dual citizenship if you can prove direct heritage up to a grandparent. Most of my family still lives there.