Our Recent Clients - In The Spotlight
Morgante Wilson Architects
Feb 3, 2021 - 5 min read

What was your Favorite Part of the Process?
This is a really tough one but I would say that our 2 favorite parts of the process were the preliminary designs and the construction. We enjoyed working with all of the architects on our project. We found it fascinating/interesting to see how our house design "wish list" came to fruition on paper. As for construction, this process was really interesting since we were gutting the entire house. It was so fun to see the transformation and we learned of the importance of the relationship between the architects and builder. Seth's favorite part was when you talked to the workers on our jobsite in Polish!
Favorite Part of Construction - All of it! We enjoyed every meeting we had at the house and seeing the changes that took place each week - sometimes during the winter we were cold but it was worth it!

Which is Your Favorite Space? There are so many but we would have to say the dramatic stairwell and lightwell that allows the natural light to flow from the roof to the basement. If we had to add a few more they would be Seth's efficient yet handsome pocket office and our cozy porch/fireplace room. We spent many hours in this room during "deep Covid" in front of the warm fireplace drinking coffee and reading in the mornings as well as chatting with our adult kids and drinking wine in the evenings!

What is Your Favorite Design Detail?
Again, there are many but I would have to say that the standouts would be the metal cabinets in our kitchen and bar area. Whenever guests/friends come to our house they comment on these beautiful (but also very functional) cabinets.

What Material/Item Did You Enjoy Selecting
All of the cabinets - the profiles, paint colors and hardware. There were many areas; kitchen, office, bars, TV room, mudroom, bathrooms, hallway, bedroom, laundry rooms and basement kitchen. When I think back on this I realize how helpful, involved and responsive the MWA team was in this part of the project.
We love our home - it has worked so well for us and our family. All of our "kids" lived with us from mid March to July during "deep COVID." Seth and two of our kids were working online from home, our other son was studying online. Everyone had their own bedroom and bath. We all had room to work, study, and practice yoga (in the basement). The yoga space also allowed us all to practice on Zoom together. When the weather warmed up we were able to enjoy dinners on the back patio or the rooftop. There was ample space for everyone to read, watch TV or work on a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table. Our oldest son and our daughter-in-law especially enjoyed cooking many meals for all of us in our lovely and functional kitchen. We could not have imagined that we would all be together for so long during such an unusual (and continues to be) time but we were so thankful for the warm, comfortable and beautiful space to share with one another. It was a crazy time but many wonderful memories were created in our beautiful home which was created by MWA!